Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our Lists: Children's Art

Designing Mom Tori suggested her interest in starting a Children's Art List and I thought that was such a wonderful idea! I love the notion of teaching your little ones to appreciate art and "collecting" it on their own walls.

Our Lists: Children's Art
by Tori

Lisa DeJohn Artwork for Land of Nod

Does anyone else have a slight obsession with the Land of Nod catalog? Or is it just me? I know that almost every designer has a stack of Anthropologie catalogs in safe keeping (come on, admit it), but I have been noticing that my Land of Nod catalogs are starting to pile up right next to them. I'm thinking it might be a designing mom thing.

Anyway, I just got a message in my inbox about Lisa DeJohns's cover art for their catalogs now being sold as artwork through their store. I was so happy to read that because I am a true fan of her work . It's about time that they made her cover art available for purchase. I was starting to think about framing some of them for my son's room.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! S's room is filled with artwork. Mostly made by family members. As he gets older I am saving some of his own artwork to frame, too.
