Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Booklist: The Big Book of Things that Go

Our Booklist: "The Big Book of Things That Go"

by Erika

S loves "The Big Book of Things That Go" so much that we've gone through approximately two rolls of tape fixing three copies of this book. I don't have any photos because a tragic monster truck accident pushed a glass of juice onto the last remaining copy. It's an oversized book with hundreds of photographs of real trucks, trains, cars, hot air balloons, motorcycles, planes, emergency vehicles, construction equipment ... basically anything that "goes." Each photo has a two or three sentence caption with details about the vehicle, which is why, at age two, S was able to explain the difference to me between a bulldozer, digger and excavator.

One of the best days of John's life is when S, at age 2, pointed to a picture of a large dump truck and said, "articulated dump truck." For ages 1-6. Younger kids like to look at the pictures, toddlers like to ask a lot of questions about the pictures, and my pre-schooler likes to make me feel dumb by quizzing me about the different attributes of the vehicles shown in the pictures.


  1. this book has my son's name all over it. we were just outside this morning waving to the garbage truck in our jammies. :)

  2. that's great!
    I need this one for Z - whose birthday is next week... perfect timing!
