Monday, March 16, 2009

Designing Moms: Meet Lotta

I first came across Lotta's beautiful textile work when I was on the hunt for pillows that were not only natural in their prints, but natural in texture and fabric. Her placement and restraint in expressing nature is spot-on. I am so happy to introduce this Designing Mom to all of you!

Name: Lotta

Family: I am a textile artist and graphic designer who live, work, and play in beautiful Charlottesville, Virginia. I am married and have two fantastic boys ages 13 and 16. We also have two dogs and a 19-year old cat. Life with two teenagers means different demands and challenges than when they were younger, but it is equally rewarding. I love watching my boys grow up, slowly becoming accomplished young men.

What I do: I hand print linen and other natural fabrics, by using real leaves as printing plates, and my collection includes tea towels, table linens, bags, sachets, pillows, and note cards. I am also creating one-of-a-kind wall pieces and art quilts. I founded my design studio Inleaf six years ago and my work is now available in specialty stores around the country as well as on my own website.

Inspiration: Nature, my garden, the sea, anything outdoors. I am a Swedish native, and my heritage has always been a source of inspiration. I love the simplicity, clean lines, and use of natural materials that embodies Scandinavian design.

A typical day in my life: I wake up early and most days I go running with a group of girl friends. Then I rush around fixing breakfasts, packing lunches, getting everyone off to school. I spend the first part of my workday catching up on emails and other office tasks, before embarking on my projects. I relish working in my studio. It is a bright and happy place, stacked with all the fabrics, notions, and materials I need, but also brimming with books, photographs, and art made by friends and my children. I dye fabrics, print, or sew, and if orders are due they get packed up and shipped out in the afternoon. My youngest son arrives home from school at 3, and the rest of the day quickly fills up by driving to and from soccer practices or music lessons, dinner preparations, laundry, or whatever else is lined up in our busy lives.


  1. nice to meet you, lotta!
    I love your work and love the sound of your days in the studio. My oldest begins Kindergarten this year and both of mine are now in preschool, which gives me 3 mornings of quite refreshing - and hope for days that someday sound a little more like yours!
    It's great to have a mommy with older kids here, too...

  2. lovely textiles..i look forward to reading more of your posts in the future.

  3. i've admired your work online before - it's really beautiful! it's so nice to see you here...

  4. Hi Lotta,

    I met you years ago! I hear you have moved to east? Hope you are well, great to see you here.

    best, April
