Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Designing Moms: Meet Lori

Lori is a fellow stationery designer whom I always love catching up with whenever we do our shows in NY. She always has just the right touch or embellishment to her amazing cards and her warmth and whimsy are truly evident in her work. I am so happy to introduce her to all of you and can't wait to see all of the fun things she's been doing with her two adorable boys!

About me: I’m the mother of 2 amazing little boys: Finley (Fin), age 4, and Rowan (Roe), who just turned 18 months. of course I think they’re the most amazing and brilliant boys on the face of the earth.

What I do: I'm a graphic designer turned stationery designer. After designing my wedding invitations in the summer of 2001 I decided that paper was where I needed to be! I started Marzipan inc. shortly after and worked nights and weekends for several years. I finally quit my day job with a design firm to run my business full-time in January 2004.

At Marzipan inc. our main focus is clever, hand-embellished greeting cards....think glitter, beads, rhinestones used judiciously for a subtle finish.

Last fall I launched a new photo correspondence division named Fin+Roe, after my boys. There I offer clean, modern photo cards full of color and pattern for all occasions.

What inspires me: In this day of technology i get a lot of my inspiration from the internet. The number of blogs i follow are a little out of control. Since I live in a small town in Wisconsin I don’t have a lot of great retail outlets to be inspired by, so I rely heavily on my computer. I’m super inspired by color, line, pattern, & photography.

A day in my life: My days are a mix between being a mommy, a designer, a business woman, an accountant, and everything in between. No two days are ever the same. Running a business while raising 2 boys is definitely a challenge, but at the end of the day I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I’m so excited to be a part of such a fantastic group of women and look forward to many posts to come!


  1. hi lori! it's fun to see you on here as i am a fan of your work. i remember you from "paperprenuers" back a couple of years ago. :)
    anyway, your work is just lovely and so are your boys!

  2. hooray for little boys! i am a big fan of your work, glad you are part of this group. look forward to reading more about you and your creative endeavors.

  3. tori - thanks so much! i'm honored that you're a fan! it goes both ways....i love your work as well!

    jackie - thanks for the welcome! so glad to hear that you're a fan as well. (never knew i had so many!) ;) it seems that all of us have little boys! they're the best! we'll all have to swap notes on raising boys sometime.

    so honored to be a part of this group. i can't wait to learn great things from all of you!
