Monday, March 23, 2009

Designing Moms: Meet Cathy

Okay, close your eyes and forget the fog, the clouds, the last legs of winter and imagine radiant colors, an ocean breeze and sand between your toes. Cathy's world (our latest Designing Mom) is just that: a seamless blend of her beautiful art and physical surroundings. What daily inspiration to be surrounded by the essence of her Hawaiian studio/home and family!

Name: Cathy

Family: I am a mother of a soon-to-be six year old boy named Zane.

What I do: Since my son started school last year, I've completed many more paintings--though they have become much more minimal as you can see on my website: In those years of slow production I did paint many small, personalized paintings and cards for friends and family.

Where I live: Just before our son was born, my husband and I built a house in Hawaii that we usually stay at 3-4 times a year for several weeks. Our close proximity to flowing lava (less than 10 miles away) continues to invigorate my work.

What I am inspired by: I started painting "aloha" lava rocks for friends in Hawaii and have found I love to paint local rocks for friends and family here as well. I'm inspired by all living things, especially the essential life force of plants and people. The vitality of Hawaii's flora and fauna and the vibrancy of San Francisco's people continually influence my work. After my son was born, I was only able to produce one painting a year for almost 4 years.

A day in my life: A typical day for me involves getting Zane off to his carpool and coming home to paint for a few hours before I go to pick Zane up from school. Twice a week I bless myself with a yoga class.


  1. those paintings, that house, that adorable family....amazing!

  2. I am going to have to try and live vicariously through you :). Welcome Cathy!

  3. What a breathtaking setting! Welcome Cathy!!

  4. wow - your work is really beautiful! i have some hawaiian relatives (by marriage) i'll have to pass your website on to - they will love it!

  5. I so wish I had those lava rocks surrounding my home!

  6. Your art is stunning, and what a beautiful setting to work in!

  7. hi Cathy....just brought the "aloha" gift rock to my mom in Hawaii.

    Nice photos! love, A
