Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Designing Moms: Meet Aya

I am so happy to begin making introductions to our Designing Moms. Glimpsing into their worlds puts a smile on my face and I cannot wait to see more. Aya was first introduced to me by a mutual (and much beloved) friend and designer. I was amazed to hear we have the same due date and we have since deduced that we were meant to know one another!

Name: Aya
Stats: I am an expecting mother of a boy. Due 4/29. Hope he'll be on time!

What inspires me: I'm a senior designer at Chronicle Books and have been directing art and creative directions for books and stationery for about 5 years now as well as, of course, designing some of them. Well designed objects not only makes our lives better but also bring a joy. I design because I wish to raise happiness in our lives and design is my tool to do so, starting with the kind of happiness that comes with fine, well designed products.

What's a day in the life for me like: One part creative director, one part designer, one part project manager make up what I am in the office. I am very fortunate to have a job which focus is in alignment with my personal interests. My desk area is filled with a bunch of inspirations that I collect and I suppose my work is reflecting that.

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