Friday, February 13, 2009

Make: Valentine's Day Cards for Kids

Designing Mom Jackie is posting today about the most adorable eco-friendly Valentine's Day cards for her two boys. What a wonderful way to re-use items that you have in your house. Read below about how she created them and visit her blog, Avocado and Papaya, to view more!

by Jackie:

I'm starting to get back to my crafty ways these days. At least a little. Last week I started to make a set of dominos at craft night. They are still a work in progress, but it felt so good to at least dust off the modge podge and get busy. It will probably take me nine months to finish them, but I'm in no hurry.

Today I worked on little Valentine cards for Graham and Simon's lady friends. I feel sort of eco-friendly about the whole thing because I only used materials I had sitting around the house: (1) wood remnants from Gabe's last job, (2) Hearts cut out from some old note cards, (3) Vellum envelopes leftover from invitations I made during the pre-baby days, and (4) Pastry twine which I just like to have around for gift wrapping.

Ta da!


  1. how great that the boys are already doing their best to take care of the ladies in their lives!

    adorable little valentines!

  2. Bijou loved her sweet valentine from Graham! At first she asked, "what is it?" Then I told her it was art and she seemed satisfied.
